How are the prints done?

It depends. I like to use papers with different textures and qualities to ensure the best possible result depending on the artwork. You can find all this information in the description of each product.

Are the prints framed?

Unless it is specified otherwise in the description, none of the prints in the store are framed.

How can I know if a product will be back in stock?

If a product you want to purchase is out of stock, let me know and hopefully it will be restocked in the future.

What methods of payment do you accept?

This store uses PayPal for payments, one of the fastest and safest ways to send money online. It automatically encrypts your information using SSL with an encryption key length of 128-bits (the highest level commercially available).

How are the orders packaged?

Each item is packed inside a plastic sleeve and a cardboard envelope for a safer journey. If you ordered more than one print, they will be put in the same envelope.

When can I expect my order to ship and how?

Please allow up to 2 weeks for delivery in Spain, and up to 4-5 weeks for the rest of Europe and internationally. Note that all orders will be sent out within 7 working days of being received. If you need your order to arrive by a specific date, please let me know. All orders are sent by certified mail (with tracking number).

What is your return policy?

Unfortunately, products are non-refundable and cannot be returned. If your order has arrived damaged, it may be replaced by another one.

Do you accept private commissions?

Of course! If you need me to work on a custom project, you can send an e-mail to [email protected] or use the Contact Form.